Can’t Find Version for Packages Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools in Visual Studio? Here’s the Fix!
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Can’t Find Version for Packages Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools in Visual Studio? Here’s the Fix!

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If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re stuck trying to find the elusive version of the Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools packages in Visual Studio. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many developers have been in your shoes, and today, we’re going to guide you through the process of resolving this issue once and for all.

What’s the big deal about version?

The version of the Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools packages is a specific version required for certain projects, especially those involving Microsoft Power Apps and Dynamics 365. This version is crucial for ensuring compatibility and smooth functionality of your application.

Why can’t I find the version?

There are several reasons why you might not be able to find the version of the packages:

  • The package version might have been deprecated or removed from the NuGet package manager.
  • The package might not be compatible with your version of Visual Studio or .NET framework.
  • There might be issues with your NuGet package manager or package sources.

Finding the version: Step-by-Step Instructions

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Follow these steps to find and install the version of the Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools packages:

  1. Open your Visual Studio project and navigate to the Solution Explorer.

  2. Right-click on your project and select Manage NuGet Packages.

  3. In the NuGet Package Manager, click on the Browse tab and search for Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs.

  4. In the search results, click on the Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs package, and then click on the Versions tab.

  5. In the Versions tab, click on the Include Prereleases checkbox.

  6. Scroll down the list of available versions and look for If you don’t see it, proceed to the next step.

Using the NuGet Package Manager Console

If you can’t find the version in the NuGet Package Manager, try using the Package Manager Console:

  1. Open the Package Manager Console by navigating to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console in Visual Studio.

  2. Type the following command to install the Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs package: Install-Package Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs -Version

  3. Press Enter to execute the command. If the package is available, it will be installed.

  4. Repeat the same process for the Microsoft.Portal.Tools package: Install-Package Microsoft.Portal.Tools -Version

Checking Package Sources

If you still can’t find the version, it’s possible that your NuGet package sources are not configured correctly:

  1. Open the Visual Studio Options by navigating to Tools > Options.

  2. In the Options window, navigate to NuGet Package Manager > Package Sources.

  3. Check that the official NuGet package source ( is enabled.

  4. If you have any custom package sources, check that they are configured correctly and enabled.

Using an Alternative Package Source

If the official NuGet package source doesn’t have the version, you can try using an alternative package source:

  1. Open the Package Manager Console.

  2. Type the following command to add the Microsoft Azure NuGet package source: Install-PackageSource -Name "Microsoft Azure" -Source ""

  3. Press Enter to execute the command.

  4. Try installing the Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools packages again using the Package Manager Console:

                Install-Package Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs -Version
                Install-Package Microsoft.Portal.Tools -Version

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues while trying to install the packages, here are some common troubleshooting steps:

Error Message Solution
Package not found Check that the package source is correct and enabled. Try using an alternative package source.
Version not found Check that the version number is correct. Try including prereleases in the NuGet Package Manager.
Package installation failed Check that your NuGet package manager is up-to-date. Try closing and reopening Visual Studio.


We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you find and install the version of the Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools packages in Visual Studio. Remember to check your package sources, include prereleases, and try alternative package sources if needed. Happy coding!

Keywords: Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs, Microsoft.Portal.Tools, Visual Studio, NuGet, package manager, version

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble finding the version for Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools packages in Visual Studio? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why can’t I find the version for Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools packages in Visual Studio?

The version might not be available publicly or might be deprecated. You can try checking the package’s documentation or official GitHub repository for the latest available versions.

Where can I find alternative versions of Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools packages?

You can search for alternative versions on, GitHub, or other package repositories. Make sure to check the package’s documentation and compatibility before installing.

How do I install an older version of Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools packages in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio, go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console. Then, run the command `Install-Package Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs -Version {version number}` or `Install-Package Microsoft.Portal.Tools -Version {version number}`, replacing `{version number}` with the desired version.

What if I’m still having issues with the installation of Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools packages?

Try cleaning up the NuGet cache, restarting Visual Studio, or reinstalling the packages. If the issue persists, you can reach out to the package maintainers or seek help from online communities like Stack Overflow or GitHub forums.

Are there any alternatives to Microsoft.Portal.Extensions.Hubs and Microsoft.Portal.Tools packages?

You can explore alternative packages or libraries that provide similar functionality. Check out or GitHub to discover alternative solutions that might meet your project’s requirements.