Resolving Confusion about what Room “Upsert” returns after a successful update
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Resolving Confusion about what Room “Upsert” returns after a successful update

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When using Room persistence library in Android, developers often encounter confusion about what the “upsert” method returns after a successful update. In this article, we will clarify the expected behavior and provide a clear understanding of what to expect.

Understanding the “Upsert” Method

The “upsert” method in Room is a combination of “update” and “insert” operations. It updates the existing data if the row exists, and inserts a new row if it doesn’t. This method is useful when you want to ensure that a row exists in the database, regardless of whether it’s an update or an insert operation.

What does “Upsert” return after a successful update?

The “upsert” method returns the row ID of the affected row. If the row is updated, the returned ID is the ID of the existing row. If the row is inserted, the returned ID is the ID of the newly inserted row.

In other words, if the “upsert” operation updates an existing row, it returns the ID of that row. If it inserts a new row, it returns the ID of the new row.

Example Code

Here is an example of how you can use the “upsert” method in Room:

interface MyDao {
    fun upsertData(data: Data): Long

data class Data(@PrimaryKey val id: Int, val name: String)

// Usage
val data = Data(1, "John")
val rowId = myDao.upsertData(data)

In this example, if a row with ID 1 exists, the “upsert” method will update that row and return the ID 1. If the row doesn’t exist, it will insert a new row and return the ID of the newly inserted row.


In conclusion, the “upsert” method in Room returns the row ID of the affected row after a successful update. Whether the row is updated or inserted, the returned ID is the ID of the row that was affected by the operation.

By understanding the expected behavior of the “upsert” method, you can write more efficient and effective code when working with Room persistence library in Android.

Frequently Asked Question

Get clarity on the “Upsert” method in Room and what it returns after a successful update!

What does the “Upsert” method in Room do?

The “Upsert” method in Room is a combination of “Update” and “Insert” operations. When you call “Upsert” on a entity, it checks if the entity already exists in the database. If it does, Room updates the existing entity. If it doesn’t, Room inserts a new entity.

What does the “Upsert” method return after a successful update?

After a successful update, the “Upsert” method returns the row ID of the updated entity. If the entity was inserted, it returns the row ID of the newly inserted entity.

What if I want to know if the entity was updated or inserted?

You can use the return value of the “Upsert” method in combination with the `Entity`’s `hashCode()` method to determine if the entity was updated or inserted. If the returned row ID is equal to the `hashCode()` of the entity, it was updated. Otherwise, it was inserted.

Does the “Upsert” method work with multiple entities?

Yes, the “Upsert” method can work with multiple entities. You can pass a list of entities to the “Upsert” method, and it will update or insert each entity accordingly.

What if I want to handle updates and inserts separately?

If you want to handle updates and inserts separately, you can use the `update` and `insert` methods individually. The “Upsert” method is a convenience method that combines both operations, but you can still use the individual methods if you need more control.

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